Research active emeritus professor with interests in all aspects of plant taxonomy and systematics at and below the level of genus.
Research areas include floristics, population genetics/genomics, phylogeography, phylogenetics/genomics, morphometrics, niche modeling, hybridization, and polyploidy. Systematic techniques range from chromosome counts and flow cytometry to CAPs, microsatellites, and ddRADSeq. Genera under investigation are typically species rich, including Carex (Cyperaceae), with an emphasis on cryptic taxa and species of special concern, such as Carex scirpiformis, Penstemon degeneri, and Eutrema penlandii. Following are some research highlights from over the past 35 years.
Carex section Scirpinae (Cyperaceae)
Using genomic techniques, an international team of researchers led by Kristine Westergaard (Norwegian Institute of Nature Research) published evidence revealing that establishment of Carex scirpoidea in Scandinavia pre-dates Weichselian glaciation, offering some of the first proof of glacial refugia in Northern Europe. To learn more, see Westergaard et al (2019).
Eutrema penlandii - Eutrema edwardsii species complex
Former students Renea Hardwick, Jared Mastin, and other collaborators have published research clarifying the progenitor-derivative relationship of the Federally listed Eutrema penlandii and its widespread allopolyploid congener E. edwardsii (Brassicaceae). To learn more, see Mastin et al (2018).
Carex viridistellata, a cryptic species
Nathan Derieg uncovered a novel cryptic taxon while conducting allozyme analyses on population samples that were collected from central and southern Ohio and presumed to be Carex cryptolepis. Using molecular genetic and morphological characters, we tested the hypothesis that populations of this putatively novel taxon represent an exclusive lineage that is genetically and morphologically distinct from other taxa within Carex section Ceratocystis. To learn more, see Derieg et al (2013).
Contact information
Integrative Biology, CB 171, University of Colorado Denver, POB 173364, Denver, CO 80217-3364
To learn more, see Curriculum Vitae.